Legal design writer

Are you looking for some fresh thinking for your project? Not sure where to start?

Add my skills to your team and watch your legal design project come to life



Kate Crocker, legal design writer, looking at camera and smiling, wearing a green jacket

Lawyers are under more pressure to think differently and find better solutions to legal issues. Why? Because increasingly, regulators require excellent communication starting with straight-as-an-arrow language. And clients are more savvy than ever. They’re informed, and they’re looking for a lawyer who gets it. Who’ll work with them to find practical solutions.

So as a lawyer, how do you please the regulatory gods, deliver the practical and innovative solutions that your clients demand, AND work within your professional confines? How do you find the solutions that will give you a competitive edge over other lawyers?

Legal design is the key – a global movement transforming the way law is practised and delivered. I’m a copywriter and former lawyer with legal design training from Bond University. I use my skills to help forward-thinking legal and corporate teams innovate and create. And all with a healthy sprinkling of jargon-free, straightforward language (and maybe some fairy dust).

“Legal design is a new way of transforming complex legal content,
products and services into intuitive customer experiences.”

Astrid Kohlmeier and Meera Klemola,
The Legal Design Book

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Former lawyer

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Plain-language specialist

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Experienced SEO copywriter

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Bond University legal design training

How it works

If you’re thinking “This sounds great, but what does it actually involve?”, it’s a fair question.

The premise of legal design is simple – the client’s issues are central. That’s what we call user-centric, or human-centred. The subject matter (for example, legal services, documents or issues) is designed around the client’s needs so we can create intuitive experiences. The user-centred concept is important because it’s different from the more common legal-centred approach.

A critical part of the legal design process is assembling the team for the project: experts from a range of disciplines. Team members work together for the best result, so it’s not only lawyers solving a problem. It could be graphic designers, web developers, information designers, management experts, a legal copywriter (yours truly), and any other relevant experts, all banding together to achieve a common goal. It’s about creating a fresh solution that’s a perfect fit for the client.

Kate Crocker legal design writer sitting on desk, smiling at camera
“Legal design is the application of … design to the world of law, to make legal systems
and services more human-centred, usable, and satisfying.”

Margaret Hagan, Law by Design



Designed solutions frequently help to increase profitability, and many big businesses regard them as a competitive edge. For evidence, look no further than your smartphone. It’s the product of massive investment in design for form, aesthetics and business strategy. And as we all know, smartphones have revolutionised all areas of our lives, including how we do business.

Still not convinced? No need to take my word for it.

In 2018, management consulting company McKinsey & Company published its landmark report, The Business Value of Design. It was a five-year study of 300 publicly-listed companies in the United States, the most extensive study of its type. The Report noted that companies that invested in design had improved their financial performance at almost double the rate of their competitors. This was in a range of sectors, regardless of whether they were product or service-based. Yep. There’s never been a more explicit or detailed study about how design helps the bottom line, so it’s a natural step for design to spread into law. Have a read. It’s riveting stuff.

Perhaps you need to think about different solutions to a legal problem. Or your client wants something new, and you’re not sure how to start. Maybe you need to improve a consumer response to a product. Whatever the challenge, legal design may be the answer. Here are a few examples of legal design solutions:


Communicating privacy information


Designing a contract so it's easier to read


Creating interactive workplace training


Providing information about what to expect in court


Designing documents for multiple countries


Implementing legal tech solutions


Streamlining recruitment processes


Improving client onboarding and communication


Communicating effectively with non-English speakers

Let’s see what we can create together



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I can help you plan and manage your project with my legal design training. And we can put my skills to excellent use through:

  • information restructuring
  • plain-language editing
  • content writing and copywriting
  • search engine optimisation (SEO)
  • wireframing web content
  • content strategy and advice
  • dark pattern discussions.

When you give me a seat at your round table, you can add more dimensions to your project, such as readability, user experience and how you communicate the result.

And because I’m a former lawyer and a specialist legal writer, I understand legal documents and am accustomed to working with legal teams. I also understand the boundaries of what’s reasonable when transforming traditional document formats using modern, user-focused solutions.

But that’s not all. When your legally designed project is ready to send into the world, I can help you promote your results with my copywriting services, including:

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Website articles

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Case studies

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Website pages

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Email sequences

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Podcast show notes

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Media releases

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Law firm profiles

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SEO editing

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Workplace courses

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Video scripts

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Sales & landing pages

Legal design can help you deliver brilliant,

user-friendly legal services

It can also  increase profitability and establish your organisation as a legal trailblazer. Win-win-win.  


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Assembling the team

Identifying the ideal skillsets and people from a range of disciplines

Orange round ball with number 2

Researching and inquiring

Digging deep into the task to understand the problems

Yellow round ball with number 3

Defining the issue

Pinpointing the issue using insights from our research

Green round ball with number 4

Developing the idea

Using creative thinking and idea refinement for possible solutions

Aqua round ball with number 5

Prototyping and testing

Putting our best ideas to work with testing and improvements

Blue round ball with number 6


Sending the solution live, monitoring the results, creating follow-up content

Want me to join your legal design team?


I work with corporate and legal teams who are enthusiastic about a multidisciplinary approach and open to new ideas. They’re also committed to improving client services and want to use legal design to improve the organisation’s overall performance. They  include:

  • in-house lawyers
  • in-house innovation teams
  • private law firms
  • legal tech companies
  • other legal service providers.

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Bond University Fundamentals in Legal Design Certificate


I’m always looking for learning opportunities to keep my skills current and polished. For example, in 2023, I earned a Microcredential from Bond University in Fundamentals of Legal Design. Woohoo! I’m also a proud member of other organisations that have helped me build a thriving copywriting business.

Badge - Australian Legal Technology Association
Women in LegalTech Directory
Digital Marketing Collective membership badge
AWC Graduate - SEO Copywriting
Recipe for SEO Success

About me

Kate Crocker legal design writer smiling at camera, wearing green patterned dress

I’m Kate. I’m a legal design copywriter with a swag of diverse skills that led me down this path. I found my legal design niche through:

  • My former legal career
  • Working in legal education
  • Setting up a recipe site and writing a cookbook
  • Working as a legal content manager
  • Becoming a legal copywriter
  • Training in SEO and sales page copywriting
  • Earning a legal design microcredential from Bond University  

I’ve built my legal copywriting business working with Australian law firms and companies to deliver plain-language content. But improving the words alone often isn’t enough to achieve excellent readability. How the words sit on the page is also crucial. It means that user experience matters. This concept is also known as UX,  legal user experience or LUX.

UX requires an empathetic approach which suits me to a tee. I love collaborative projects, wireframing (mocking up webpages) and getting into the nitty-gritty of the user journey. So, when I discovered that legal design was an actual thing, it seemed like a natural step to incorporate it into my services.

A legal design copywriter with diverse skills is a savvy addition to a design team. Part of my role is to gather all the threads of golden ideas and help weave them together for an exciting final product. In a nutshell, I’m a little bit Aldi: Good. Different.


Here’s what my clients say about my work
Kate … was able to provide advice on our SEO strategy whilst she curated professional copy for our webpages.

Andrew Davis

Principal, Investigative Services Group

Kate is a professional copywriter who is committed to working collaboratively to create meaningful web content for your target audience.

Sharon Kerlin

Former Community Development Project Worker, Barwon Community Legal Service

Kate Crocker is a superstar copywriter. … She is a must-have for any lawyer wanting to publish in a way that makes people stay awake – not fall asleep!

Jodie Bradbrook

Principal, Bradbrook Lawyers

Working with Kate has been an easy and enjoyable process and I found that she listened and delivered the type of content we were after.

Amy Fisher

Principal, Succession Legal


It starts with a conversation. Get in touch and let’s discuss your project: the issues, the requirements, and my services. Whether you need a facilitator or a legal design writer (or both) at your round table, I can help.

Frequently asked questions

Question? The answer may be here.

How much does it cost?

My fees vary depending on project requirements. See Your investment section below for further information.

How long will it take?

The timings of legal design projects vary depending on complexity, available team members and goals. Once I know more about your requirements, I’ll work out a timetable, taking into account various milestones on the way to completion.

Will I have to pay an upfront fee?

I usually charge an upfront fee. Depending on the project size, it usually ranges from one-third to one-half of the total project fee. I’ll give you more information in my proposal document.

How do I convince my colleagues to try a legal design process?

Although legal design is rapidly gaining popularity worldwide, it’s still considered a fairly new concept and is sometimes cautiously regarded in legal circles. One of the best ways to get your colleagues on board is to start with a pilot project: small in scale, minimal investment and quickly delivered. Measuring results is essential to pitching for future legal design projects, so it’s a good idea to set up key performance indicators (KPIs) around the broad areas of quality, user satisfaction and effectiveness. At the end of the project, we can review the KPIs with your colleagues, discuss the potential for other projects and answer any questions.

What are dark patterns, and why do they matter?

Dark patterns are also known as “deceptive design patterns”. On digital platforms such as websites, social media and apps, they’re design elements and user experiences. They trick or manipulate users into:
  • Making unintended decisions.
  • Doing things without realising.
  • Doing things against their will.
  • Making uninformed decisions.

Examples include:

  • A ticking clock creates urgency to buy a product. It continually resets, so the urgency is false.
  • The user struggles to read complicated website terms and conditions, so they blindly agree.
  • Hidden fees are only revealed when the user has entered personal information on a website.
Several countries have passed (or plan to pass) laws to penalise companies for engaging in dark pattern manipulation. And some of the penalties are massive. In one case, a gaming company copped a fine of more than US$500 million
In Australia, privacy laws regulate some aspects of dark pattern conduct. Consumer laws prohibit misleading and deceptive conduct. Unfair contract provisions are closing in on dark patterns. And the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission also commented on the issue in its 2023 social media influencer sweep
The upshot is that government regulations are likely to get tighter and tighter. If you have a website, you need to be aware of dark patterns and the risks to your business.



Succession legal logo
Bradbrook lawyers
DW Bowe
Clever Copywriting School Approved
Barwon Community Legal Service
Marketing Catalyst
Blackwattle Legal logo
Lindblom Lawyers
Investigative Services Group


If you’re always thinking about how to do law better, maybe it’s not such a giant leap to consider how legal design may transform your offerings, create huge benefits for your clients and energise your staff.  Law doesn’t have to be traditional. The potential for innovation is massive, and you can play a part. Just think about the stellar solutions that you could offer to your clients. That type of fresh thinking can make all the difference to a client’s lawyer of choice.


Let’s get the ball rolling