Frequently asked questions
Read on to find the answers to some common FAQ
Indeed, the life and work of a freelance copywriter can be mysterious, so let’s start with the most pressing of all questions:
Do freelance copywriters really work in their pyjamas and slippers?
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What does a copywriter do?
Copywriters write the words to advertise or market products or services. Copywriters have typically worked in the advertising industry, but now with the explosion of internet marketing, copywriters work in virtually every industry, writing in a huge range of areas
What services do Copywriters offer?
What services do you offer?
Visit my Services page for information. If you have another project in mind, why not get in touch to find out if I can assist?
Do you offer other services such as graphic design, marketing strategy and website development?
No I don’t. These services are all highly specialised and each requires significant training and knowledge. The great news is, however, that I work with some great professionals in all these areas. I can arrange various professional services on your behalf and we can work together create a seamless and effective marketing strategy for you.
How do I find a copywriter who is a good fit for my project?
Good copywriters have websites that will provide you with plenty of information about what they do. It’s a great starting point and will help you decide who you wish to contact. It’s always a good idea to chat with a copywriter so you can work out whether they’ll be a good fit for your project.
Good copywriters will also discuss the tone of your project – that is, the character of the words and their impact on the reader. The tone of voice is one of the most important elements of a website.
Whether the copywriter has the right experience and can understand what you’re after will often determine their fit for your project.
How do I brief a copywriter?
What are your rates?
Once I have an idea of the scope of your project, I can provide you with a quote. I usually quote a fixed project fee rather than an hourly rate or word rate.
What is your work process?
Once we’ve had initial contact by phone or email, I’ll prepare a quote or proposal, including my terms and conditions, and a project timeline.
If you accept the quote, I’ll arrange a time to take a detailed brief. Usually, this appointment is between 30 minutes and one hour, depending on the size of the project. This can be done by phone or video call.
I prefer not to take briefings by email because talking to my clients gives me a good feel for the tone of voice and client expectations.
I’ll deliver the work in accordance with the proposal. You’ll review the work and send it back to me with any revisions. I’ll make the revisions in accordance with my terms and conditions.
Invoicing and transfer of copyright are also according to my terms and conditions.