What does the Google Medic Update mean for your website’s content?

We all know that Google regularly updates its search technology. Just as we get a handle on one batch of upgrades, things change again, or so it seems. But why does this happen, when it’s already the world’s most powerful search engine? And how does the recent Google Medic Update change things for your website?

Google’s core value

The answer is that Google has, and has always had, a core value of providing the best possible user experience. It may be one of the most user-focused organisations on the planet. It strives to deliver only search results that are relevant and that have high-quality content. So it continually monitors how the site is performing and implements changes as necessary.

What is the Medic Update?

In early August 2018, Google introduced its latest update, which was later coined the “Medic” Update by search engine guru Barry Schwartz.

The specifics of the update were vague, but Google did say that it would affect the rankings of some websites. Those with outdated or poor-quality content would see their rankings diminish, while other websites with constantly updated high quality and relevant content would improve their rankings.

Schwartz called it the Medic Update because, on his analysis of sites that reported negative effects of the update, it seemed to hit hardest the medical, health, fitness, and healthy lifestyle sectors.

Avoiding the negative effects of the Medic Update

Google did advise that affected websites wouldn’t have a quick and easy fix. But despite this, Schwartz warned that there was no point in sitting around and hoping for the best.

Instead, he advised that

You need to work harder, make your site better or just give up altogether but don’t sit idle and expect your rankings to get better without doing anything.

Practically, this means that businesses must do more to produce better quality website content by:

  • Researching unique content ideas
  • Regularly publishing new content
  • Ensure the website is operating securely and at a fast speed
  • Ensure the website looks good with professional design elements
  • Make good use of social media channels

Key points

So, in essence, great quality content is now more important than ever. The services of a professional SEO copywriter can come to the fore: generating content ideas, researching keywords, writing targeted copy that compliments your marketing plan, and by producing a stream of unique content for your website pages, blog posts, promotional materials, guest articles and more.

The bottom line is that Google is improving the experience of its users and in the end, that’s good business.

If you want to know more about how a copywriter can assist your business, contact me to find out more.